Happy 2025 from the Provenance of Good Health!

Our Region

What is it about the Northern Rivers that has attracted such a diverse tribe of folks who all simply love living here? 

What inspires our artisans to innovate & craft such beautiful skincare & tummy creations for you to enjoy?

Perhaps it is our landscape.  Our name is defined by three main river systems – Tweed, Richmond and Clarence and we are wealthy in National Parks, world heritage sites, pristine rainforests & breathtaking coastline.  

We lay geographical claim to the most easterly point of Australia, Byron Bay, as a focal point of international attraction.  We also lay geographical claim to the largest caldera in the southern hemisphere.  

But there has to be more than that.

What else has inspired so many entrepreneurs, seekers of an alternative lifestyle, lovers of the land and environment to never leave here, to return here or to move from elsewhere and grow roots here? 

Could it be the dreamtime calling of the indigenous ancestors from some 12,000 years past, the lure of the fertile, mineral-rich soil for farmers to plough, plant & grow food, respectful of taking just enough and leaving Mother Nature with the rest? 

Perhaps it is the non-judging serenity of ancient rainforests that have withstood the tests of time, the ravages of fire, drought and flood, gently enticing us to surrender our woes & provide us with ancient trees, flora and fauna - the provenance of good health…

 Or maybe it’s just the great vibes, the sigh of relief as you shake off the pressures of city life, feel the earth beneath your feet or the sand between your toes as you walk barefoot along our beaches.

Our region has a personality borne of innovative individuals who have created communities and villages with their own endearing qualities.  

Taste, savour and experience our artisan creations, be inspired by the stories that we will share with you about our region and our people.  And when you have time, drop by for a visit to discover for yourself your own provenance of good health.

We've dedicated our Place, People & Product blogs to firstly our artisans & then other wonderful people who love this region & are inspired to do great things!

 Map courtesy of Regional Development Australia Northern Rivers NSW