Happy 2025 from the Provenance of Good Health!
Beat the Blues Healthy Gift Pack

Beat the Blues Healthy Gift Pack


Boost your body: self care at its most delicious!

Bust those nasty cold & flu blues with this set of health & well-being boosters!

250g MGO100+ Australia's Manuka Honey
100g Blue Spirulina Stardust
100g Kiso's Byron Bay Chai
15ml Certified Organic Tea Tree Oil
Personal note & gift wrapping

    These bottled warriors have the nature's warriors to help you to boost your body's health and well-being.  The activity in the MGO100+ Manuka honey is soothing in a warm lemon & honey drink when you are feeling worn down.

    Olive Gap's certified organic pure tea tree oil is a perfect natural alternative to commercial gargle washes.  Add some organic blue spirulina powder in warm latte to lift your spirits and boost your health & well-being! 

    Kiso's Byron Bay Chai is a delicious aromatic blend of seven spices with locally grown Australian tea.  Cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, star anise, nutmeg, pepper and vanilla created to relax your soul and calm your senses.

    Tips for use found in our blogs!

    • Beat the Blues Healthy Gift Pack
    • Beat the Blues Healthy Gift Pack
    • 250g jar of Australia's Manuka bioactive honey MGO100+
    • A jug of honey next to bowl of granola with fresh blueberries, strawberries, bananas, yoghurt and passionfruit
    • 15ml glass bottle of certified organic pure essential tea tree oil by Olive Gap Farm next to a white box made of cardboard with indigenous design in gold by local indigenous artist
    • A glass jar of Stardust Blue Immunity Organic Nutrient Powder with Spirulina, elderberry, ginger and butterfly pea ingredients.  Bottle is lying next to a bowl of fresh blueberries
    • Label on glass jar describing the ingredients of