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New Certified Organic Tea Tree Hydrosol

Posted by Lilly Choi-Lee on

New product on the certified organic block!!

We are super excited to introduce this beautiful by-product of the traditional wood-fire distillation method used by our Olive Gap farmers:  certified organic tea tree hydrosol.

I remember when we first drove down to meet Tara & Alex on their tea tree farm down in Woodburn.  It was the classic word-of-mouth-instructions only (forget Google) - drive along this road, take a turn at that tree and look out for the giant red floral sculpture...

That day we made the acquaintance of the neighbours' cows, the natural weed-controllers and were introduced to what life living off the grid actually looks like.  We were blown away by the simplicity and beauty of this communal concept, and in awe of the amount of work it actually takes to live so independently and symbiotically with Mother Nature.

At that time, Tara & Alex told us they were considering using or selling the hydrosol in some form but were unsure of how this would look like and also weren't sure when they could fit yet another project into their busy lives.

Almost two years later, they have done it!

This pure tea tree hydrosol is special.

Certified organic, regeneratively farmed & grown, gathered to be carbon positive and bottled by our team on their beautiful Northern Rivers land.

Artisan distilled with wood fire steam distillation - a method passed down from their predecessor Arthur - resulting in the cleanest and greenest tea tree hydrosol possible.  No nasties, no additives.

Hydrosol contains similar therapeutic properties to pure essential oil; imagine a ready-to-use spritzer as a natural facial toner, a deodorising spray and an all purpose antibacterial face, hair and body mist - all rolled into the one package.

Tea tree oil is a gateway to a plastic and chemical free lifestyle with so many benefits for your home, body and the planet! Check out our blogs  (in three parts) with advice by Tara on all the wonderful uses of this Australian native botanical essential oil.

acne treatment beauty & body treatments botanical skincare Bundjalung Country certified organic certified organic hydrosol certified organic tea tree oil dry sensitive skin treatment essential oil farm to face Household uses of tea tree oil hydrosol native botanicals natural beauty natural remedies Natural remedy uses of tea tree oil olive gap farm tea tree essential oil

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